Irving Oil And MADD Canada Expand Project Red Ribbon Partnership

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SAINT JOHN, NB — Irving Oil is joining forces with MADD Canada and local authorities on Project Red Ribbon, to remind people to drive sober and watch for potentially impaired drivers this holiday season.  “Impaired driving is the leading cause of criminal death in Canada – every day, 4 Canadians are killed and 190 are injured as a result of impairment-related crashes,” said Margaret Miller, MADD Canada Past President. “Every one of these crashes is entirely preventable. Our partnership with Irving Oil helps spread the Project Red Ribbon message to communities throughout the Maritimes that safe and sober driving is everyone’s responsibility, particularly at this time of year when increased traffic can lead to a higher risk of impaired driving.”

Irving Oil fleet driver Tim Almon knows the risk all too well. Just a few months ago Almon was driving his 60 foot tractor trailer when he spotted another vehicle swerving ahead of him. “The driver was displaying all of the classic signs of impaired driving – the speed was inconsistent, driving in and out the lanes, to name a few,” recalls Almon. “I called 911 and was able to provide enough information for the vehicle to be identified – it was comforting to know the driver was stopped before any one was hurt.”

Irving Oil Manager of Transportation Services, Doug Myles elaborated on the importance of the drivers’ commitment. “Given our fleet drivers cover between 4 to 5 million miles every year throughout the Maritimes, road safety is more than a priority for us, it’s a value we live every day.”

“This year, we’re currently expanding the training to all of our drivers and other employees,” added Myles. “We’re proud to contribute to the safety of the communities where we live and work by helping to keep impaired drivers off the road.”

As part of MADD Canada’s Project Red Ribbon campaign, MADD Canada representatives and members of the Saint John Police Force and RCMP trained over 100 Irving Oil fleet drivers and other employees on how to identify and report potentially unsafe or impaired drivers.

“In Saint John alone, over 40-50% of impaired drivers are caught as a result of concerned citizens calling 911,” said Saint John Police Chief Bill Reid. “The action of reporting unsafe or impaired driving is critical to saving thousands of lives in this community. Thanks to those drivers that contribute to road safety every day, like the drivers at Irving Oil – they’re keeping our roads safe this holiday season and all year round.”

Project Red Ribbon runs until January 3, 2012.  

About MADD Canada

MADD Canada (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) is a national, charitable organization that is committed to stopping impaired driving and supporting the victims of this violent crime. With volunteer-driven groups in more than 100 communities across Canada, MADD Canada aims to offer support services to victims, heighten awareness of the dangers of impaired driving and save lives and prevent injuries on our roads. For more information, visit

About Irving Oil

Irving Oil was founded in 1924 and is a privately owned regional refining and marketing company with a history of long-term partnerships and relationships. Irving Oil operates Canada’s largest refinery, in Saint John NB, which is located 65 miles north of the US border and has reached production rates in excess of 300,000 barrels per day. The refinery exports over 80 per cent of its production to the US and accounts for 75 per cent of Canada’s gasoline exports to the US and 19 per cent of all US gasoline imports. In 2003, Irving Oil became the first oil company to receive a US Environmental Protection Agency Clean Air Excellence Award, for its clean gasoline. For more information about Irving Oil, visit


MADD Canada
Deb Kelly, Communications Manager, 1-800-665-6233 ext. 240

Irving Oil
Lesley Dickson, Public Affairs, 506-202-3924