IE Grand Manan Bulk Plant


15 Ferry Wharf Rd.
Grand Manan, NB
E5G 2M0                                                                    

Hours of operation:
24/7, 365 days a year

Our values

At Irving Oil, safety is a core value and is fundamental to how we operate our business every day. We always strive to do the right things, in the right ways, at all times for our employees, our communities and the environment.

About the Irving Energy Bulk Plant − Grand Manan

This facility focuses on the storage and distribution of distillate products (gasoline, diesel, and furnace oil) on the island of Grand Manan. This facility is located on Ferry Wharf Road, directly off the Ferry Terminal in Northern Grand Manan. 

Products handled at this facility include:

  • Middle Distillate Hydrocarbons such as furnace oil and diesel
  • Light Hydrocarbons such as gasoline

The following section outlines the potential effects of these substances in the unlikely event of an emergency.

  • Distillate products are odorous, combustible liquids. Distillates are a health hazard and fall under the “pool fire” hazard category under federal E2 Regulations. Distillates can release vapours that can form flammable mixtures. This can create an explosive atmosphere if an unplanned ignition occurs.
  • Gasoline is an odorous, flammable liquid. Gasoline is a health hazard and falls under the “combustible” hazard category under federal E2 Regulations. Gasoline can be easily ignited by high temperatures, sparks or flames. Gasoline can create an explosive atmosphere if an unplanned release occurs.
  • Exposure to high concentrations of gasoline and distillates by inhalation can result in headaches, nausea, dizziness, and/or a burning sensation in the chest. Direct contact can cause skin irritation.
  • Gasoline and distillates can contaminate soil and water if they are released to the environment.

Our safety commitment

Irving Oil has a rigorous emergency management program in place to prevent, prepare for, respond to, and recover from incidents. Across our operations, these plans are part of our standard procedures. At our Grand Manan facility, our emergency management plans are based primarily on prevention, with equipment inspection and maintenance programs in place. In addition, employees are trained in detailed operating and emergency procedures with a constant focus on safe and efficient operations.

In the unlikely event of an emergency at our Grand Manan facility, we wish to share the following information with our neighbours.

Irving Oil’s website and social media platforms are the best places to find the latest information about our operations:


In the unlikely event of an emergency on site, Irving Oil will notify local authorities immediately, and work proactively to help protect public safety. Please follow instructions provided by your local authorities. If an incident has occurred, please refrain from visiting the facility. It is possible that you may smell an odour; this does not always signify danger.

The Grand Manan Fire Department and New Brunswick Emergency Measures Organization will follow internal protocols in the event of an emergency at this facility. If you become aware of an incident, please call 911. The Grand Manan Fire Department can also be contacted at 506.622.7065.

Please note that Irving Oil will not provide instructions on matters of public safety such as evacuation protocols as this is the jurisdiction of the local authorities.

For more information

If you are interested in learning more about our facility, we encourage you to contact us at or 1.888.310.1924.