Cobra products

Cobra lubricants

Our products

Cobra products prove quality and value can go hand in hand

Below you will find the details and specs for our quality products. All of our products are licensed by API and ILSAC and meet industry standards.

Cobra Product Block

Cobra Product Block

Cobra ATF

Cobra ATF is a specially formulated for use in automatic transmissions manufactured in 2005 and earlier for General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler vehicles. Cobra ATF meets the requirements of over 27 different specifications.

Heavy Duty Diesel

Cobra Diesel 10W is blended from select high viscosity base stocks and low-ash additives. This formulation has added detergent to ensure engine cleanliness, minimized ring-sticking and reduced liner-scuffing.

COBRA All Season Motor Oil

Cobra All Motor oils have been formulated to exceed the performance requirements of the latest API SP and ILSAC GF-6A specification. These formulations have superior oxidation resistance and fuel economy performance.

Contact us

Having trouble finding the product you need? Interested in becoming a distributor? Feel free to get in touch with us.

Technical expertise or Safety Data Sheets (SDS):


By phone: 1.800.574.5823