Irving Oil Welcomes Next Phase In Energy East Project

Publication date

SAINT JOHN, NB — Irving Oil welcomes the news that the Project Description for the Energy East project has been filed with the National Energy Board, as it represents a significant and positive step forward for the Energy East project.

“We believe the Energy East project will be beneficial for the economy of Canada, for consumers throughout Eastern Canada and for refiners in Quebec and New Brunswick”, says Jeff Matthews, Chief Business Development Officer for Irving Oil. “We’re pleased that TransCanada has taken this critical next step in the development of the Energy East project.”

Further, as a joint venture partner with TransCanada in the development of the Canaport Energy East Marine Terminal, Irving Oil looks forward to the next phase of the regulatory and consultation activities in support of the project.

About Irving Oil

Irving Oil was founded in 1924 and is a privately owned regional refining and marketing company with a history of long-term partnerships and relationships. Irving Oil operates Canada’s largest refinery, in Saint John NB, which is located 65 miles north of the US border and has reached production rates in excess of 320,000 barrels per day. In 2003, Irving Oil became the first oil company to receive a US Environmental Protection Agency Clean Air Excellence Award, for its clean gasoline.

Media contact:

Sam Robinson
Public Affairs, Irving Oil